Our Permanent Exhibition

Holocaust & Genocide in the 20th Century
This uniquely curated exhibition explores the history of the Holocaust and genocide in the 20th century through a thematic lens. Visitors explore history and moral choices through the personal voices of various role players – victims, perpetrators, resisters, rescuers, bystanders and others. The exhibition urges visitors to reflect on lessons from these histories and apply them to their own lives.
Read more about our Permanent Exhibition.
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Download our Permanent Exhibition Catalogue.
Current Temporary Exhibition

The 1990s - Years of Transition : South Africa, Rwanda, Bosnia & Herzegovina
The end of the cold war sparked a pivotal shift in global politics in the early 1990s. For three countries South Africa, Rwanda, and Bosnia & Herzegovina, the 1990s saw major events that would define their future. This exhibition explores the lead up and aftermath of genocide in Rwanda and Srebrenica, as well as South Africa’s journey to democracy, offering us a chance to reflect three decades later.

Righteous Among the Nations
An exhibition exploring stories of those who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust, despite facing danger and even death.
The exhibition explores 17 stories of rescuers from different countries, religions, genders, ages and social backgrounds who have been awarded the title of ‘Righteous Among the Nations’.

FC Bayern Munich During National Socialism: Victims, Followers, Perpetrators
This exhibition looks at the history of FC Bayern Munich during the Nazi period. It examines the role played by the club and its members and explores the fate of those who were deported or fled for religious or political reasons. This exhibition was conceived and created in cooperation with the Church of Reconciliation at the Dachau Memorial and the FCB Museum.
Exhibitions Available on Loan

South African Holocaust & Genocide Foundation Exhibitions
Download our brochure of available SAHGF exhibitions to loan and use for educational programmes. Contact jordan@jhbholocaust.co.za or
+27-11-640-3100 for loaning fees.