
Our Permanent Exhibition

Holocaust & Genocide in the 20th Century

This uniquely curated exhibition explores the history of the Holocaust and genocide in the 20th century through a thematic lens. Visitors explore history and moral choices through the personal voices of various role players – victims, perpetrators, resisters, rescuers, bystanders and others. The exhibition urges visitors to reflect on lessons from these histories and apply them to their own lives.

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Current Temporary Exhibition

Kwibuka Rwanda: Commemorative practices of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda

1 May - 1 Aug 2024

During the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, more than one million people lost their lives in just 100 days. Today, there are more than 240 memorials, mostly in places (or near places) where massacres happened.  Kwibuka Rwanda highlights a small selection of these memorials, telling the story of the ‘care-takers’, genocide survivors who work at memorials, honouring the dead by cleaning and preserving their remains. 

The exhibition is based on research into memory and justice in Rwanda by Dr Julia Viebach, and curated in consultation with the Pitt Rivers Museum, members of Ishami Foundation, and members of the Rwandan community in Oxford, UK.

Exhibitions Available on Loan

South African Holocaust & Genocide Foundation Exhibitions

Download our brochure of available SAHGF exhibitions to loan and use for educational programmes. Contact jordan@jhbholocaust.co.za or
+27-11-640-3100 for loaning fees.